Governo corta R$ 23,4 bilhões no Orçamento de 2016 e afeta direitos sociais

The federal government announced last Friday (19) a cut of R$23.4 billion in public spending in the 2016 Federal Budget. The measure aims to guarantee the primary surplus – the balance used to pay interest and amortize public debt to the financial system – directly affecting download enscape for sketchup 2023 full crack public services and social programs. Once again, the government has chosen to cut social rights as a way out of the economic crisis, while keeping the public debt intact, which consumes almost half of the budget.

With this measure, the spending limit for discretionary (non-mandatory) expenses fell from R$256.8 billion to R$233.4 billion this year. The amount was announced during the presentation of the Executive Branch’s budget and financial schedule for this year ecover my files full crack and was attended by Ministers Nelson Barbosa, of Finance, and Valdir Simão, of Planning, Budget and Management. Previously, the economic team had already limited spending by ministries and special secretariats on discretionary expenses to 1/18 per month until March.

The Ministry of Education was the third most affected, with a cut of R$1.3 billion, with the authorization for commitment increasing from R$32.8 billion to R$31.5 billion. The Ministries of Mines and Energy and Health led the cuts with R$3.14 billion and R$2.5 billion, respectively. With these cuts, the government intends to reach the primary surplus target of 0.5% of GDP, equivalent to R$30.5 billion for the entire public sector (government, states, municipalities and state-owned companies).

In the announcement, Nelson Barbosa also defended the need for long-term fiscal reform, with an emphasis on Social Security Reform. According to him, it is necessary to control “the government’s largest spending item” – Social Security, in order to balance the country’s public finances. The government intends to submit the reform proposal to the National Congress by the end of April.

The minister also mentioned measures that take away more social rights as ways to combat the crisis, such as the suspension of real increases in operating expenses, real increases in other discretionary expenses, the holding of public examinations, hiring and creation of positions, real increases in public servants’ salaries and even increases in the minimum wage.

Marinalva Oliveira, 1st vice-president of ANDES-SN, criticizes the government, which, once again, in the face of the economic crisis, is announcing cuts that will deepen the dismantling of public services and threaten workers’ rights. “The government’s logic is the same as that of big capital, which wants workers to be increasingly precarious and without rights. In addition to poor quality public services, it takes away the population’s right to life and education, to use the fallacious argument of ‘public service inefficiency’ in favor of privatization. Universities are already operating in a precarious manner with the 2015 cuts and, with more cuts in 2016, the situation will become unsustainable. On the other hand, in all the government decrees on cuts, none of them cut or reduce the payment of interest on the public debt”, she explains.

During the 35th ANDES-SN Congress, held in Curitiba (PR), in January of this year, teachers decided to intensify the fight against Funpresp – a supplementary pension fund for public servants, for the annulment of the Pension Reform and also against the new proposal to change workers’ retirement rights.

Fiscal Target and Public Spending

Another measure advocated was the submission of a bill to Congress in the coming days to change the fiscal target for 2016. The 2016 Budget could end the year with a deficit of R$60.2 billion, if federal revenues decline, according to the government’s most pessimistic projections. Barbosa also said that the government is considering submitting a supplementary bill to Congress to limit the growth of public spending in the coming years. According to him, there will be a ceiling for several years, which would be incorporated into the Multi-Year Plan (PPA).

Confronting the withdrawal of rights

Marinalva Oliveira, 1st vice-president of ANDES-SN, emphasizes that “the announced cuts destroy rights and lives, and that the fight to block the Pension Counter-Reform and the dismantling of the public service will be one of the central agendas of the actions of the Federal Public Servants (SPF) in 2016”. On February 27th and 28th, the SPF Forum will meet in Brasília (DF) to discuss the agenda of struggles and the Unified Campaign for 2016.

With information and image from Agência Brasil